

نوع الفرصة


نوع الشراكة

تمويل (قرض)

عدد الشركاء

5 بشكل أقصى للمشروع

المهارات المطلوبة

ادارة تقنية وبرمجة

ساعات العمل


عن الفرصة

Pegasus is an online marketplace directory that specializes in connecting firms in the medical sector industry . It provides a platform for companies to find the best deals to sell or purchase goods and services, as well as build new partnerships and commercial agencies. Pegasus makes it easy to expand your business over borders by providing a built-in mapping system that helps you locate potential partners and customers around the world. Whether you're looking to sell your products or services or find new suppliers, Pegasus provides a one-stop-shop for everything you need to do business in the medical field.

المبلغ المطلوب

10,000,000 ريال

هذا الإعلان بواسطة

Ahmed Sabry


الرياض-المملكة العربية السعودية
رقم التواصل